AAPI Community Fest Portraits by Chinatown Pretty
Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming out to the AAPI Community Festival on Sunday! It was a joy to meet and photograph you all.
You can view + download your portraits here: https://andrialo.pic-time.com/aOnJVGLE
For your free download, click on your image > click down arrow icon > "Download Web-Size Photo"
If you'd like to order prints or higher res digital files, proceeds will be donated to Cut Fruit Collective and Friends of Lincoln Square Park, our nonprofit event organizers.
Below is more info on event partners and how to keep in touch:
IG: @chinatownpretty
Documenting Chinatown senior citizens street-style and life wisdoms --now available as a book, published by Chronicle Books
Grassroots org that promotes art, events and businesses in Oakland Chinatown
Friends of Lincoln Square Park
IG: @friendsoflincolnsquarepark
Currently working on raising funds for a new Recreation Center
Oakland Chinatown Oral History Project
Read and share memories of Oakland Chinatown
Valerie & Andria