Chinatown Pretty -> CHI, NYC, VAN
Helen Lo - New York, 2016
We’re traveling to Chicago, New York and Vancouver this spring to expand our coverage of Chinatown style and culture.
Chicago (May 11 - May 15)
New York (May 16 - May 20)
Vancouver (July 19 - July 23)
We’d love to connect with seniors and people involved in the Chinatown community.
Please email us at if you:
1) are involved with the Chinatown community
Work in nonprofits, community and housing organizations and would like to collaborate in some way, like organizing a Portrait Day for your clients
2) speak Cantonese (and/or Toisan)
We’re looking for volunteer translators to help with interviews
3) have parents or grandparents that would be a good fit for the project
Got a Chinatown Pretty poh poh or gung gung? Let’s meet up!