Love Letters to Chinatown Giveaway
Image from the W.OW. Project
Write a love letter to a person, business, or organization you hold dear in Chinatown. Consider Chinatown as a living being. What would you say to Chinatown during this time? What do you want her to know? What stories do you want to share?
— Huiying B., W.O.W. Project
To celebrate the release of the Chinatown Pretty book and our continued love for Chinatowns, we're partnering up for a book giveaway with Wing on Wo & Co., the oldest continually-run store in NY Chinatown, and the W.O.W. Project, their art and community program.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES To enter, submit a love letter here between Mon, August 17 - Mon, August 31. Three winners will be selected in early September.
Write a love letter inspired and dedicated to Chinatown—it could be an artwork, letter, written story or a poem. Submit to W.O.W Project’s Love Letters to Chinatown project by 11:59pm on August 31st. Need inspiration? Take at trip to Chinatown and see what speaks to you. Here’s a few examples of love letters they’ve received so far.
We'll send three winners a copy of the Chinatown Pretty book and share our favorite submissions in September. Selected love letters may be printed and posted in Chinatowns around the country.
We’re also donating 100% of our affiliate sales to Wing on Wo & Co’s fundraiser from now till mid-August. Half of their fundraising will go towards their arts programming, the rest will benefit NY Chinatown relief and police reform funds — all causes we hold close to our hearts
About Love Letter to Chinatowns
From Wing on Wo & Co.:
We resist by waging love. The Love letters to Chinatown 給唐人街情書 project seeks to collect love letters, poems, illustrations, paintings, etc. inspired and dedicated to Chinatown to help uplift our neighborhood in its darkest times.
We invite you to submit art: poetry, stories, letters, illustrations in response to Huiying's prompt: Write a love letter to a person, business, or organization you hold dear in Chinatown. Consider Chinatown as a living being. What would you say to Chinatown during this time? What do you want her to know? What stories do you want to share?
We’ll be translating and posting the letters up around the neighborhood as we receive them. We’re excited to overwhelm our community with love and care through this project and remind them that we are resilient.
Images from Wing on Wo & Co.
About Wing on Wo & Co + W.O.W. Project
The W.O.W Project is a community-based initiative that reinvents, preserves, and encourages Chinatown’s creative culture and history through arts, culture and activism. Located inside Wing On Wo & Co., the oldest continually-run family business in New York's Chinatown, The W.O.W Project was established by fifth-generation store owner, Mei Lum, to bring concerns of a rapidly changing Chinatown into a resident-led space for intergenerational dialogue and action.