Elegant Earth Tones


To Hon Ng Fan, eighty-nine, looked elegant in earth tones when we met her on her daily walk. We loved her coat’s fit and unique tailoring, along with her textured knit beanie. Her jade jewelry radiated beautifully against her brown outfit. 

She immigrated with her family to Vietnam by foot when she was three to escape flooding in their hometown, her mom carrying her in her arms during the journey. Then in 1995, Ms. Fan immigrated to the United States to be with her children. Most of her clothes are gifts from them, along with the wonderful glasses she was wearing. 

We asked her how many children she had. She replied, “You won’t believe it, but get this—I have twelve children! Eight daughters and four sons.” 

To keep healthy, Ms. Fan makes sure to walk around the neighborhood every day and picks up a few dollars’ worth of vegetables if she sees something she likes. Her children come over to make her favorite foods and her “heart stays happy.” 

Before we parted ways, Ms. Fan expressed how fortuitous it was that we met each other. She was flattered we liked her style. We felt pretty lucky too. 

- Andria

Translation help by Alison Wong.



Peach Pants


Buck Chew